Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In class we discussed the meeting of the 1st Presidency in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormon church), and even if you do not believe in such a faith the example they set can be applicable for anyone. (The 1st presidency meeting is basically when the leaders of the Mormon church get together to make big decisions.) First off in their meetings they start by saying a prayer to invite the Spirit to help them think clearly and to make appropriate decisions. They then go around the room and give their different opinions until they come to a complete consensus. Another important aspect to their meeting is they show appreciation and kindness to each other; it is not a battle of who is right and wrong. Everyone's opinion is equally valued and respected. The last thing they do is eat chocolate pie. It might seem funny but it has significant psychological benefits; it helps keep everyone in a better mood essentially. This type of meeting is extremely applicable for the way we meet with our spouse; showing love, kindness,and appreciation for one another, coming to a consensus decision, and not arguing but seeking the best option.

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